A busy few weeks in Cormorant's Class

Date: 9th Nov 2022 @ 12:02pm


We have had a busy few weeks. Our new Class Book is called Man on the Moon, you can read it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt5zQ1UO6rEAs   After stud studying the front cover we came up with lots of questions, predictions and things that we know.

man on the moon day 1.jpg     Man on the Moon.jpg

Our focus is going to be writing in the past tense and regognising past tense verbs. Ask your child what they know about past tense verbs!



Our topic is Moon Zoom. We had a visit from Wonderdome which was a great way to launch our new topic:Wonderdome.jpg

So far we have named and ordered the planets, put events that have happened in space on a timeline and studied the famopus astronaut Yuri Gagarin. Again, you could ask your child some questions about their learning: How many planets are there? What are their names? What do we call people who travel in to space? Tell me an interesting fact about Yuri Gagarin.


Keep up the hard work Cormorants!

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