SEND and Inclusion

At Lakeside Primary Academy we follow the SEND Graduated Approach. This is a summary of our SEND offer. For further information please read our SEND Information Report and Local Offer Contribution towards the Local Authority SEND offer which you can view here:



  • All children have access to whole school quality first teaching

  • Small group learning where needed

  • Additional resources; adults, technology, manipulatives

  • Lessons will be differentiated to support, challenge and extend children’s learning.

  • Specific interventions will address gaps in children’s learning, wellbeing, social skills and emotional regulation.

  • Visual prompts and reminders will be used.

  • Effective teacher feedback will be provided.

  • Opportunities will be provided to build strong and positive relationships with adults and peers.

  • Opportunities will be provided to build on speech and language skills through modelling.

  • The learning environment aids wellbeing.


Universal Plus

  • Whole class teaching and learning will be personalised.

  • Small group interventions will be offered where needed.

  • Pre-teach and over learning groups will be provided.

  • Short term specific provision and interventions will be used to address the gaps in learning and understanding.

  • A SEND support plan may be written with outcomes and provision regularly reviewed.


  • An SEN Support plan will be written by school. This will record additional to and different from long-term provision.

  • The plan> do> review process will be followed to ensure the plan is regularly reviewed.

  • Support of other an Educational Psychologist will be sought.

  • A balanced and personalised curriculum will be provided.


If the child’s additional support goes beyond the school's SEND funding allocation then additional support in the form of an application for Additional Top-Up Funding or Early Intervention Allowance may be submitted to the Local Authority. An Education Health Care Plan assessment of need would be sought. Advice of the school’s Educational Psychologist and Outreach support from the Special Schools Team would be followed.


If you require further information please contact Sally Smith our SENDCO on; 

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Lakeside Primary Academy

Sandy Lane, Doncaster, DN4 5ES

T: 01302 368879


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