Using our website and blog
Verification code:
Our school verification code is 230257
Using the parent area of the website:
The following video explains how to use the parent area of our website. Your username and password will have been emailed to you for this area of the website. If you haven't yet provided school with an email address please contact us at to update your details.
If you were sent several emails with your parent login details go to the parent login page (click here) and click the 'forgot login' option to set your own password.
How to videos:
How to set up your password for the parent area
How to login to the parent's area.
How to check my child's homework.
A full tour from our website provider.
Using the pupil area of the website:
The following video explains how to use the pupil area of our website. Your username and password will have been sent to your parents for this area of the website.
How to videos:
How to login to the pupil area.
How to get help with your homework
A full tour from our website provider.
Using Zoom safely and securely for meetings with teachers:
This brilliant video guide will talk you through how to access Zoom sessions with your child's teacher and gives some great hints and tips on how to use Zoom safely and securely.
User guides:
See the downloads at the bottom of the page for a user guide to the pupil area.
What do I do if I don't have access to Microsoft Word?
If your child's homework is set using Mircosoft Word and you don't have access to it there are a range of programs you can use to open, edit and save a Word docuent for all platforms.
Android and Apple:
Microsoft Word is available as a free app on all Apple and Android devices. Avilable free via your app store.
Google Docs to edit and save Word documents. Avilable free from your app store.
Microsoft offer Word Online for free. This requires you to set up a Microsoft email account to access.
Other operating systems:
Microsoft offer Word Online for free. This requires you to set up a Microsoft email account to access.
What the pupil area does:
Our pupil area lets teachers provide online homework for your child which can be completed and sent back to their teacher so it can be marked and your child can receive feedback, just as they would in the classroom. This is sometimes called a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
It also lets your child ask their teacher, and the other pupils in class, questions about their work and to share tips, ideas and suggestions.
Teachers will provide interactive teaching materials to go with the homework they set which will help your child understand what to do and make it feel more like they are working with their teacher.
How is the pupil area different to the home learning resources pages?
The pupil area is a more interactive version of the home learning resources pages. The resources are the same but there is extra help and support provided so it feels more like your child is working with their teacher.
Using our parent's blog
Our Parent's Blog:
Our Parent's Blog allows you to upload your child's work onto to our website. We always love to see the fantastic work you are doing at home and it is great to see it being celebrated. You can upload pictures of the work alongside with a description of it. To use the blog you will need to set up an account. See the guide below for how to set up your account.
Setting up an account on our Parent's Blog:
Creating an account to use our Parent's Blog is really easy. For a how to guide see the files to download box at the bottom of the page or use the link below for a how to video: